"Community Court: A Kinder, Gentler Way?"
airs: Saturday, December 17 at 7am on
Sunday, December 18 at 9:30am and 7pm
and Tuesday, December 20 at 11:30pm
This Week on Due Process
Imagine a judge who scolds as if she were your mother; offers help with your problems and applauds your success.
She's Victoria Pratt, presiding in Newark's Community Court, sometimes called the "social work court."
It's part of what's called "procedural justice, " a new, more creative, more effective way of dealing with low level repeat offenders.
Here, there's help with addiction, with housing, with employment - for those who are ready to receive it.
A possible way out of crime, without the punishment; a new way of seeing the role of the court - with a whole new kind of judge.
Judge for yourself as Due Process goes inside Judge Pratt's courtroom, where human dramas play out every day.
In the studio, Judge Pratt and I are joined by Rutgers School of Criminal Justice Prof. Todd Clear, author of "The Punishment Imperative."
I hope you'll join us, too!
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Due Process - winner of 25 New York and Mid-Atlantic Emmys - airs on WNET/Thirteen and NJTV.
Due Process is a presentation of Rutgers Law School - Newark and the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
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